Wednesday, December 21, 2011

EMPHASIS {principle of design}

the focal point of a composition; directs the viewer to the most important aspect of an image, creating a sense of visual hierarchy;
a significant tool in visual communication

-the use of contrast is one way to emphasize a certain element within a composition

     ...contrast through value
Tobias Van Schneider
22 ad campaign

     ...contrast through color

Sandy Skoglund


     ...contrast through scale


-placement within the composition can also create a sense of emphasis

     ...forms that are centered within the picture plane often appear to be the most visually significant

Nicholas Poussin

     ...isolated forms that are alone on the picture plane and surrounded by negative space can also feel emphasized 
Andrew Wyeth

-directional lines (actual and implied lines, and gazes) can direct the viewer's eye to a focal point within a composition

Mary Cassatt

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