Saturday, April 12, 2014



Black construction paper, white Bristol pad paper, xacto knife, glue stick, white charcoal pencil, cutting mat, ruler, illustration board


“LINE {element of design}” and “UNITY & VARIETY {principle of design}” on


3 compositions utilizing lines of different length, weight (thickness), and proximity (closeness to each other), cut from black construction paper and mounted on white Bristol paper

1. horizontal & vertical lines only
2. diagonal lines only
3. curved lines only

Things to Consider
- unity in your design will be established by the repetition of one element: line
- for variation and interest, alter the length, weight, and proximity of the lines
- consider the way in which your black lines are interacting with each other as well as how the resulting white background space looks; is there variation in both of these?


Three 5” x 5” compositions on Bristol paper, mounted 1” apart on illustration board 8” x 20”, with 1.5” border around entire composition

Written assessment should be taped to the back of your finished illustration board


What words would you use to describe the final compositions: calm, active, repetitive, unified, directional, structural, scattered, etc?  How does each composition differ based on the type of lines used?  Do they remind you of anything?  How does line weight and placement affect the overall composition or visual impact of the pieces?

DATES (subject to change):

Studio time: Wed 4/9, Mon 4/14
Due: Wed 4/16

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